Feeder Placement
Place your feeder(s) around any of the below mentioned wild/feral hog signs, or in an area where hogs are believed to travel. HogStop bait is designed to attract any hogs already on the property to the feeder(s), so don’t stress too much.
Check your feeders every 2-4 days when first placed, to make sure the hogs have found the feeder(s) and were able to access them. Be sure to clean out any caked or leftover HogStop bait between refilling the feeder(s).
Feeders placed around crop areas should not be placed within the crop rows, where spillage could come in contact with crops.

Identifying Feral/Wild Hog Signs
Feral hogs in the area can be readily identified from the field signs that these animals leave.
The most common signs left by wild hogs include wallows, rubs, nests, rooting and trampling. To the right, and above, are examples of some of these.
It is important to quickly identify their presence in areas where feral hogs have previously been absent.
The rooting by feral hogs can be extensive. This can cause soil erosion and sedimentation in streams, and ruin livestock pastures.